
Kingdom Living is a movement straight from the heart of God (Matthew 6:10) that brings together believers abiding in Christ, and it is through our obedience that God will bring forth divine alignments and assignments through the yielded vessels that join us on this mission. We are on a mission to take back everything that the enemy has stolen from us and to arise into the true Ekklesia. In order to succeed, this will take unity becoming one body in Christ! It is all about Him! We must lay aside our differences, our agendas, and our insecurities because in Christ none of these things matter! Let us fix our eyes on Jesus and bring heaven's kingdom to this earth!
This is Our Story
I have known Christine for over 25 years and it has been such an honor to walk with this gentle yet powerful woman. We met in high school, and bonded over our mutual appreciation for partying. While we both believed in Jesus, we were in no way living out a relationship with Him. We became close over the years through high school and college by going to parties, getting drunk, doing drugs, and overall living a worldly life.
Even amidst our partying days, we always respected what each other carried. We are extremely different in a lot of areas but then alike when it comes to the sensitivity in our hearts. God definitely fit us together perfectly because where I am weak she is strong and vice versa. It is a true testimony to say that in over 2 decades, we have only been in one fight and this was when I was young and dumb, so I take full responsibility. I will say that God definitely destined us to meet and I would have never thought we would be doing what we are doing now.
God placed a deep desire in both of our hearts a few years ago to start dream building with him. It first started out with childrens books and devotionals but then grew into powerful teachings and revelatory downloads to begin writing books & courses. We have such a heart to see the ekklesia grow and be nurtured into all she is called to be. There have been too many wounds that are leaking like an odorless gas that is affecting the church and it is time for the bride to humble herself and come together.
We feel a strong mandate from the Lord to help raise the bride in this time; to help heal her and bind up her wounds to remind her who she is and all that she carries! God told us to write courses and begin mentoring his people. We have spent many hours writing, praying and travailing for the church. Both of our names, Kristin and Christine, mean followers of Christ and this is the mandate upon each of our lives. We are called to follow Christ and with that being said, we are called to help raise his bride.